·부산대학교 졸업
·현) 온더필라테스 강사
·투엑스 휘트니스 필라테스부서 시니어 강사
·Balanced Body CoreAlign1 - Balanced body
·Balanced Body - Anatomy in 3D
·Balanced Body - Mat 1, 2
·Balanced Body - Enhanced Pilates Mat + Props
·Balanced Body - Reformer
·Balanced Body - Apparatus
·The Center for Women’s Fitness : Rocking to Release™ 근막이완 인증강사
·The Center for Women’s Fitness : Support Your Floor™ 골반기저부 건강과 기능장애 인증강사
·The Center for Women’s Fitness : Pre&Post-Natal Pilates 산전산후 필라테스 인증강사
·The Center Method™ for Diastasis Recti Recovery 복직근이개 회복술 인증강사
·YUR BACK™ 유어백 척추질환 통증케어 필라테스 인증강사
·KPIA 국제필라테스 지도자
·KPIA 재활필라테스
·KPIA 재활테이핑요법사
·KPIA 재활마사지
·Pilates on Tour Rehabilitation 2021
-Exploring the Spontaneous Activation of the Pelvic Floor, Abdominal Wall and Diaphragm by Brent Anderson
-Hip Replacements and Pilates: Taking your Client from Pre-Surgery to Post-Rehabilitation to Fitness by Beth Kaplanek
-Hip or Back? by Christine Romani-Ruby
-Programming for Foot and Ankle Injuries by Matt McCulloch and Travis Gerrald
-A Movement Science Approach to Preventing and Restoring Shoulder Dysfunction by Dr. Diedra Manns
-Thoracolumbar Fascia: “The Second Brain of Movement” by Shari Berkowitz
-Teaching for Maximum Results by Karen Sanzo
-Diastasis Recti-fied by Katrina Foe
-Pilates: Anything but a Pain in the Neck by Gabrielle Shrier and Allyson Cabot
-The Pelvis in Pregnancy and Beyond by Jennifer Gianni
-The Use of Tensional Integrity in the Hypermobile Individual by Suzanne Martin
-Designing a Safe and Effective Postpartum Reformer Class by Jessica Valant
·Mindbody Barre 바 필라테스 by Leslee Bender
·Thorax to Hand – Hand to Thorax by Madeline Black
(흉추 가동성 회복과 호흡 교정 필라테스)
·A Fascia Approach to The Neuromyofascial System, a whole-body Organ of Communication by Elizabeth Larkam
(신경근막계 컨트롤 근막 프로그램)
·A Fascia Approach to Knee and Hip Resurfacing and Replacement by Elizabeth Larkam
(무릎관절과 고관절 교체술 재활을 위한 근막 프로그램)
·A Fascia Approach to Bone Health by Elizabeth Larkam
(골다공증 근막 프로그램)
·A Fascia Approach to Aging Well by Elizabeth Larkam
(건강한 노년을 위한 근막 프로그램)
·A Fascia Approach to Posture Adaptations to Technological Devices with Screen Interfaces by Elizabeth Larkam
(현대인을 위한 자세교정 근막 프로그램)
·A Fascia Approach to Gait by Elizabeth Larkam
(보행 교정 근막 프로그램)
·Specialization Program - Scoliosis 척추측만 필라테스 by Suzanne Martin
·척추측만 교정운동 by CES KOREA
·소도구 교정운동 by CES KOREA
·골반 교정운동 by CES KOREA
·2019 스포츠의학 세미나
-의학적 관점에서 본 산전, 산후의 골반 변형과 기능회복을 위한 접근
-휜다리에 대한 역학적 이해와 증례를 통한 해결안
-임산부를 위한 깊은 근육 시스템 훈련
-보행 패턴 검사 및 교정을 위한 필라테스 메소드
·Pilates on Tour 2019
-Pilates Mat for Athletes by Portia Page
-Creating Konnections on the Mat by Viktor Uygan
-Reformer Flow by Viktor Uygan
-Hip Osteoarthritis: Real Story by Christine Romani-Ruby
·Pilates on Tour 2018
-Roll, Release, Relax by Nora St John
-Balanced Body Mat Circuits by Erika Quest & Portia Page
-Reformer Release by Jennifer Gianni
-Mat Release by Jennifer Gianni
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